Friday, April 25, 2008

Society and Beauty: How do they effect one another?

I believe a person's appearance paves their path in society. If a 'pretty' girl wants something all she really has to do is ask and she would more than likely get whatever it was that she wanted. On the other hand, if an 'ugly' girl wanted the same thing she would have to work 10x harder and would probably only get a fraction of what she wants. This is just the way things are. People only look at what's on the outside. I don't think it's fair. I don't think I'm that good looking and I'm not afraid to admit it but I'm also not afraid to work for something I want if I want it bad enough. If you take people out of the real world that are 'successful' you will notice that most of the people that are seen as successful people are also good looking. What do the rest of us do? Should we sit back and wait for a good looking person to fall, all the while hoping if they fall and we help pick up the pieces that we'll get some credit? What kind of a life is that? I think that society puts too much pressure on the people in the back ground. We work hard to catch up with the rest of society or at least get close to catching up. Society is really only based on looks. This is how it has been for a while and it will probably stay this way until the end of time itself.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Midnight Run of Epinephrine

One dark, stormy evening a young boy named Billy was lying in his bed. As he lay there his 10 yr. old mind raced with thoughts of what could be lurking the the darkness that surrounded him. Meanwhile, deep inside him resting on the top of his kidneys, a little hormone called Epinephrine (aka adrenaline) was sitting around a circle with the other hormones of the adrenal gland telling ghost stories. All of a sudden a huge bolt of lightening flashed and thunder rang though the gland. Epinephrine's eyes widened and his heart began to race, as did Billy's. Epinephrine jumped up and started running around like crazy. As Epinephrine ran Billy's blood pressure increased , blood glucose increased, and the small passageways of the lungs dilated. Now that the L-isomer has stimulated Epinephrine the body can act. Epinephrine ran through Billy's blood all the way to the brain and said he was scared. The brain sent the message throughout the body the ready it for what was to come. Once Billy realized he was scared he hopped out of bed and ran to his parents. Billy's parents hugged him and calmed him down and as Billy got more calm so did Epinephrine. Epinephrine returned to his original position in his circle of friends and they went on telling stories. With his job done he could relax, at least until something else started the whole cycle all over again. =]


Writing Prompt : April 17, 2008

I disagree with the line "Jobs promote drug use." from the chapter 5 essay "Teenagers in Dreamland". There are so many other things in this world that promote drug use. Television is one of the biggest influences on teens. If you sit down and flip through channels for about an hour you will see at least 5-10 shows that say something about drugs and using them. Companies think making commercials that say how bad drugs are for the body and environment is going to slow the drug intake of teenagers. Another big influence is peer pressure. Other kids can get their classmates to do almost anything if they try hard enough. That what's so scary about kids nowadays. If anything jobs promote responsibility. Some kids might get jobs so they for drugs or other illegal things but other kids get jobs so the can feel more independent or to have money for their cars. This just gives a bad name to any teen that wants to get a job. Teens as a whole group should not be judges together. They should be thought or as the individuals that they are.